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3 Jun

Well I am at it again. Last year the deck garden came decent. I say decent because the tomatoes never really came to fruition (pun intended). So this year I bought tomato plants supposedly engineered for containers. So far so good on growth but last year the growth was just as good. So the jury is out. This year I purchased English Lavender which man oh man the smell is amazing. My lilies are doing well. I still have to re-pot the one which hopefully will spur better growth. Enjoy.

My herbs, vegetables and flowers


12 Dec

I’ve become a coupon nut. No not like EXTREME COUPONING  crazy people purchasing  100 pounds of unhealthy, gluttonous and unecessary food, purchased for like $3 which makes their basement look like a  bomb shelter from the 50’s.

I mean some good deals and savings with coupons. Take for instance my purchase of asparagus for the low low price of .88 cents for a bunch. I was very happy. I’ve eaten asparagus…But I never prepared asparagus before. OH NO! Was I becoming an extreme couponer purchasing food that I would not consume only for the sake of getting a great coupon deal? Hells No I was not. I have eaten boiled asparagus before but I wanted something different. I remember having it prepared in the oven one time at a friend’s house with pepper and salt and remembering it tasted amazing. So I created my own version and concocted my own recipe. I hope you like it.

Asparagus in the oven

Get a large ziplock bag. Cut asparagus ends. Put asparagus in the bag. Pour in some olive oil. I just eye it. Like maybe 2-3 tablespoons. Chop up some garlic very fine or use the jar stuff. Add as much as you like. Moi? I like alot so alot goes into the bag. Then add some soy sauce. I buy a premium kind which I think makes a difference in taste. Add some fresh ground pepper.  No salt for me but if you want it be my guest.  Close bag (very important) and move asparagus all around so all the asparagus gets coated. Leave in the fridge for 2-3 hours.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spread out and Cook on a baking sheet in the oven. I would say approximately 10-15 minutes.

(I hear parmesan cheese is also a good ingredient. I will try and update).

Great with Fish or Chicken.

I dont think I can ever go back to boiled asparagus again.

Hope you enjoy.

My Garden

27 Oct

So do any of you grow a garden?

I did this year.  Most of you are thinking…Big Whup? Everyone has a garden. Yes I agree but this one was on the balcony of my second floor condo. This was a bit of a challenge and costly to boot. But I came out with some delicious basil, mint and rosemary. The tomatoes I planted in 5 gallon pots were not so lucky. I had huge splits on the tops of them. Which I later researched and found out its due to over-watering and excessive rain. My Petunias and marigolds were thriving until recently. Probably because It’s now October… my tomatoes are gone but my Hot peppers are still thriving (go figure). But all in all I am pleased with the outcome. Also I have an Aloe Vera plant that I raised from a pup and now is in a 5 gallon flower-pot.  I have to post a picture of the beast soon.